Saturday, January 21, 2017

What I learned from Advancity Toastmasters - Monday Meeting

I was the Grammarian giving word of the day. I asked if there was a whiteboard. Yes. Unfortunately, nothing to write on it. Whiteboards, Flipcharts and Pens Even a meeting run by experienced toastmasters can be lacking in the basics. You must take your own print out of the word of the day, your own erasable marker for a whiteboard. Roles Come prepared with cards or props needed to do any role. They may decide somebody is absent, or somebody needs to do the role which you thought was yours. Advanced English Speakers And Foreigners and Singlish Prepare for a group with poor grasp of English who cannot deal with a complex advanced word or idea such as oxymoron. My word oxymoron was not used by anybody. A hard word to grasp when you can't see it written up. (On the other hand, a university group all looked it up on the internet on their smart phones and every speaker or functionary used it several times. The word and an example two or three times in speeches and roles. PRINTING I went home and printed the word. After a day's delay getting black ink for the printer. Why had the printer run out of ink? If it is not in use for a while the ink runs dry. The person in charge had let it run dry. If you are away from the office, no point in refilling it with expensive fresh ink if it will soon be left unused to run dry. Download a form for introductions and write an introduction to yourself to give to the Toastmaster Of The Evening. Angela Lansbury, CL, ACG

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