Friday, August 19, 2016

Jurong Toastmasters meeting gave insights on Happiness and Leadership

The meeting consisted of four speeches and evaluation and an educational by the president. To stick to the two hour time slot we had no topics and no GE nor Grammarian although there was an ah counter. The ribbon winner was a speech about how the speaker was a premature baby and felt inferior, a perfectionist at school, where teachers or pupils made him feel inferior, had an appendicitis operation and felt vulnerable, then discovered happiness after seeing an optical illusion showing a glum face one way up, turned upside down is a happy face, implying it's your decision,the way you see life which makes you happy. Call to action - be happy - it's your choice. Speech by Mr Chan. Excellent presentation by the president on the paths you take. Advice on being a leader, based on a book on persuasion. Basically, do favours for others and they will do the same for you, so take any roles needed to help out other clubs, and they will make space for you at their following meeting so you can race thorough the tasks to complete your manuals, as the speaker did. The slides were excellent. I liked the healthy fruit, grapes, melon of two colours, guava and sour something powder. I went without the green circular pandan sponge cake. I prefer the bite and nutrition of carrot cake or almond cake. What did this club do especially well which I would like to suggest to clubs in London? The thumbnail size photos of the committee members (Called ex co short for executive committee) on the agenda or programme. Slides on a large screen showing photos of previous winners and club members who achieved goals at the start of the meeting. Slides shown at the end, including one of the new member who had just joined during the meeting. What could they improve? What is done in London which I can suggest? Name badges for both members and guests. 2016 Aug 19 Friday, Jurong Green CC. Nearest MRT stations include Bukit Batok on the red north south line or Lakeside on the green east-west line but you have to take a bus. Meets twice a month. See Toastmasters International Find a club. Angela Lansbury, ACG, CL.

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