Sunday, August 28, 2016

Transferable skills from speech writing and performing to writing novels and stories and articles

I commend - connections betweens speaking and writing: Clear title. Structure. Ending mirrors start or answers (in summary) question posed at the start. I recommend - avoiding triple adjectives. In speeches we use triple commending adjectives such as - He is an eloquent, engaging, enticing speaker. I just had my new novel The Tailor and The Spy proof-read and the proof-reader said: 'Too many adjectives. Contrived and slows the action. It weighs down every sentence, interrupts the flow, totally wrong.' I thought, oh dear - I've picked up that habit from Toastmasters. Commend, both speeches and short stories and novels can end hinting at a sequel you must read or see. Angela Lansbury, writer, photographer, speaker. Author of twenty books including: Quick Quotations (for speakers and writers) Who Said What When The Tailor and The Spy

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