Sunday, February 08, 2015

What I learned from being Toastmaster

1 Make a checklist. Rehearse and record yourself on a smartphone (iPhone or another phone - yours or another club member or a family member's or neighbour's phone or on Skype. Play back and note anything you have forgotten.

2 Re-do the role, again recording it, adding whatever you forget the first time. If necessary mark the agenda with the things you should say.

3 Check with speakers and timekeepers the length of speeches, evaluator feedback, and time for interval or time to stop GE and end meeting.

4 Arrange a signal from Timekeeper or SAA or President, so that if you forget anything they signal subtly, e.g. by raising hand, better still a card with reminder, eg.
a) Remind audience: phones off; fire exits; toilets
b) Break time ONLY 5 MINUTES.
c) GE over-running - ask audience if anybody needs to leave.

5 In the month afterwards either
a) Record yourself doing the role again, making sure to improve on whatever you did wrong last time
b) take the role again marking the agenda with anything you forgot the previous time.

Memo to myself:
I carefully wrote the names of the replacement speakers on the agenda. Then I put down the agenda on the props table. I didn't leave my agenda on the lectern in case another person picked it up.
Later, I picked up another agenda from a chair, an uncorrected agenda, so I read out the wrong names for speakers and evaluators who had replaced others or switched running order.

Solution: Bring your own clipboard in a distinctive colour and clip your agenda to it. That way nobody else takes yours by mistake or throws it aside or throws it away in a bin. You can see it in a hurry or direct somebody else to find it and hand it to you.

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