Friday, January 16, 2015

The Power Of Repeating Short Phrases:

Angela Lansbury (
President Harrovian Speakers 2012; Associate Area Governor at Toastmasters International 2011
Toastmasters' teaches how to use persuasive speeches and rules for getting across an idea using repetition - framing or bookending, repetition, and a punchline. 

Think of beginnings: Once upon a time
Think of repetition: Chorus lines: He's got the whole world in his hands
Think of happy endings: They all lived happily ever after
Think of biblical phrases: Thy rod and staff they comfort me - though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil
Motivational phrases Feel the fear and do it anyway

Repetition technigues are used to convince people of a truth or course of action in children and adults
1 Speeches
2 Rote learning (times tables, poetry)
3 Hypnosis (confidence, losing weight, conquering fear)
4 Superstition (always throw salt, don't walk under ladders)
5 Safety rules

6 Brainwashing
7 Religion (learn to say to yourself or repeat aloud to others: prayers, mantras, tracts, entire books, phrases said when you are born, marry and die).
8 Amusing, memorable, short phrases, easily remembered and repeated.
9 A support group: Toastmasters, family, school, uni, alumni, religion, political party.

10 Changing one set of ideas for another or the reverse - leading to enthusiasm for the new and canvassing against the old (consider conversion to another religion, rejection of non believers). It is amazing how quickly you can get a large number of people killing whilst reciting a religious mantra, or sending a hashtag worldwide.
Understanding the effect of positives and negatives and repetition helps you understand your own internal motivation. You can maintain confidence, or destroy confidence, in yourself and other individuals (as a coach). 

Also public speaking can affect groups, committees, business, finance, sales and writing. We need to understand how these processes appeal, lose members, and recruit followers. Then we can see how speaking, the media, and propaganda, support leaders, heroes and villains, followers and supporters, the terrified and the terrorists, and can affect large numbers of people.

Angela Lansbury BA Hons. Red Research.
Author of How To Get Out Of The Mess You're In. Speaker, blogger, trainer. Books. Articles. Poetry. Puppets. HOD speakers. Harrovians Speakers. YouTube. Facebook. LinkedIn.

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