Saturday, January 17, 2015

How Should You Dress For A Public Meeting - Smart or Casual?

I usually dress up for speakers' meetings. We often take photos of ourselves or others. Even if not on the programme, you are in the audience in a group photo. You win a table topic. The group wants a group photo. A photo of somebody else, such as a VIP being photographed by a newspaper photographer, shows you in the background.

You might not even notice yourself being photographed. At a meeting somebody might take a selfie of themselves alone or with their family and friends and accidentally catch you on the edge of the picture.

Whenever I forget or decide I'm too busy, or I'll change later in the day, it is a mistake. I end up missing an opportunity to show myself at my best and reflect well on the club.

 I was sitting at home not very smartly dressed at breakfast, nobody to see me I thought, when a member of the family decided to try out the focus on their camera and took some pictures of me. If I'd been wearing a new outfit I could have asked them to keep the photo. I risk them forgetting to delete the photo.

So my new year's resolution, dress every day/meeting right from the moment you get up as if your photo will appear in a national newspaper and online worldwide. Even when you are alone, you could be photographed. Some people tape over the camera on their laptop because hackers can log in remotely and take photos of you - as you scowl at mistakes, yawn, or sit in your dressing gown.

Make sure if you were photographed now, you would show your clothes, posture and smile to reflect well on yourself, those with you, and every organisation with which you are connected.

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