Friday, December 19, 2014

HOD Christmas Party - Why we chose Ruby's Restaurant

Ruby's Restaurant - Why We Chose It
Our venue, Ruby's Restaurant was chosen by popular vote after Peter Jacques research showed that local options included grand, historic Grimsdyke Hotel, Ruby's Restaurant, or a budget ethnic restaurant with the opportunity of eating, for example, curry. 

Ruby's which was competitively priced and could offer us exclusive use of the entire restaurant so we could put on our own entertainment, if we could fill 40 places. When our treasurers reported that we had reached 30 paid up members we confirmed the booking. The committee debated whether we were allowed to use club funds to pay for the shortfall, but two members offered to guarantee our booking by making up any shortfall. In the event we had 36 people booked, and surprisingly, given the numbers of people who have had ongoing coughs or colds, only one no show because of illness.

We had debated whether to be politically correct  and have a winter party, or a compromise, culturally inclusive Christmas Curry party!  However, our mixed religion group decided unanimously on a Christmas party with traditional food of turkey and Christmas pudding, Christmas crackers and a green tree and red Santa. 

So here it is - Ruby's restaurant in Bushey Heath.

Ruby's restaurant had a seasonal green fir tree decorated in the seasonal colours of red.

At the bar we gathered for drinks and socialised with the whole group before sitting at our tables for four. I was delighted to talk business with Steve Brewer and sort out the Club Officer Training and the subjects covered by my humorous speech.

A little Santa is on the bar.

The restaurant room with tables for four.

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