Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tall Tales Contest? Have you ever had one?

I just saw a fellow toastmaster Alan was running a workshop on humour. I wrote to him:

"Maybe you could help us organize a tall tales contest. Is it instead of Humorous or in addition? I just watched your sword speech on YouTube."

Later I had feedback from Steve, Area Director (used to be called Area Governor). He said he had been to Tall Tales contests where the speakers spoke after dinner, so that the Tall Tales were all an after dinner speech.

In addition, the contestants brought along their manuals for written feedback, (working towards awards) for a manual speech from the different manuals which the contestants had chosen. For example, one Tall Tale was for project from the humorous speech manual. Others were from the first Competent Communicator manual. Oner person used it as get to the point. The point was about the safety of running shoes. Another used the Tall Tale for the project on vocal variety. Another used it for the project on getting familiar with visual aids.

Because the Tall Tale was not going to qualify for the International contest, although it followed rules, it was less stressful for both the contestants and organisers. So it was more relaxing and fun - especially as nobody had to worry about being truthful.

Angela Lansbury, ACG, CL, Member of HOD and Harrovians.
Author of books including: Wedding Speeches & Toasts; Quick Quotations.
Speaker and Workshop leader and tutor.

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