Saturday, March 10, 2007

How To Use Speech Structure To Write & Promote Writing

I recently gave a workshop on Using Speech Structure in Your Writing and Promotion to the Watford Writers. I met Lyn of that group in the computer room at Swanwick Writers Summer School last year.

I gave a three-part workshop to Watford Writers, teamed with my friend Indra Sikdar from Harrow Writers' Circle. He introduced me to Harrovians Speakers' Club a couple of years ago and was my mentor.

First we showed half a dozen speech structures and how they are used in fairy tales and Indian legends. Indra told the story of the sun and the wind. I hunted for props and had downloaded a picture of the sun. For Indra's version of Aladdin I supplied a lamp.

I told the story of Cinderella. My prop was a silver sandal. The only sugestion for improvement I received was that the slipper was too big. It was a silver shoe size 6. I've replaced it with a slipper size 3.

Then we demonstrated how we each gave a brief impromptu speech. We invited every member of the audience to do an impromptu speech.

This was hilarious. The Watford club serves wine and cheese on evenings when speakers are invited so we had a very jovial and warm audience who laughed at all our jokes and they enthusiastically gave several humorous speeches.

The funniest was the man who was asked to describe his most memorable meal. He described being asked to eat guinea pig, in South America. Later another speaker was asked to speak about his favourite pet. He said his favourite pet was a guinea pig. The punchline was something about being wary of South Americans coming to dinner.

I wish I had recorded it. I have a video on my mobile phone. But it won't stand up and is a bit fiddly to use.

Anyway we finished with questions and answers about using public speaking to promote your work. One of the questions was about hecklers.

Generally you try to be positive. Even if ironic. Where you have a 'friendly' audience where most are friendly to you or each other, respond warmly:
Isn't he/she sweet?
In a hostile place, such as a political meeting with opponents, or a public place such as Speakers' Corner, you can be negative:
You can't win them all. You wouldn't want to.
Where are from? ... When are you going back? ... Lovely! ... They must miss you. ... Who sent you here? ... There's a great discount on fares to ...

We invited The Watford writers to our next meeting in Harrow which was on poetry and a few of them came along. We intend to visit other groups in the London area with our speaking structure workshop.

We are willing to travel outside our area for a fee and reasonable expenses. Harrow Writers' Circle has a website which has pages for members with a poem or article from the member - of course I am on it - and lists of forthcoming meetings. Harrovians Speakers Club also has a website. So does Watford Writers. And so do I.

Useful websites:
Harrow Writers' Circle
Poetry, novels, short stories, articles, beginner's to professional.

Watford Writers
Evenings include workshops to help beginners.

Harrow Speakers
Free to visitors. Members follow a course of 10 prepared speeches with feedback.
HOD Toastmasters is in Stanmore. To find a club near you go to the website of Toastmasters International then the Find a Club page in your country and area. I have been to half a dozen in London, Singapore and Shanghai. And one in Thailand.

Author Angela Lansbury
Home tutor: English GCSE, O and A level, teachers' exams, creative writing, EFL conversation and business and speaking to promote yourself and your business on radio. Speechwriting and rehearsing and presentations for weddings, business presentations, conferences and confidence.

Writers' Holiday at Caerleon in Wales
29 July-3 Ug 2007
Includes all day classes, accommodation and food, optional free excursion to Hay on Wye/Cardiff and free pick-up from station.

Writers Summer School, Swanwick, Derbyshire
Aug 11-17 2007
Includes accommodation at various prices, classes and food. Optional excursions and station pick-ups small extra charge.

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