Sunday, February 13, 2022

Speak About What You Fancy, or Fulfil A Pathways Project?

Open Ended Speech Topics

In Toastmasters, if you haven't got the time to prepare a speech, you can volunteer to do a table topic. (A two minute impromptu speech.)

 Some of the Pathways projects are even more open ended. For example, the project on Researching and Presenting. Research whatever takes your fancy.

At one point, I tried doing a topic I liked and picking my next project in a Pathway. However, the Judger types (on Myers Briggs personality typing) would start by saying that I had not met the objectives of the project. 

In retrospect, they were right. If you are asked a question in an English exam about Romeo and Juliet, you cannot write about King Lear.

Sales and Customers 

If you are in business and the customer asks you for something, you have to follow the brief. If a customer wants to buy a dishwasher, you cannot sell a tumble drier.

Advertising Copy

 I worked in advertising as a copywriter. If Rolls Royce want an advertisement on their latest car, you have to sell that, not an advertisement on playing tennis.

Writing Speeches For A Living

If you are asked for a wedding speech, you cannot write a funeral speech. If you are asked to write a speech for the conservative party leader, you cannot write a speech for the Green Party.


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